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Blogs from October, 2021


With the winter season approaching, you might be ready to fire up your furnace again. When starting your furnace again after the off-season you might notice a few hiccups as your system kicks on. However, if these problems persist and your furnace just isn’t working or heating your home like it used to, it might be time to consider professional furnace repair or replacement. 

When it comes to resolving issues with your home’s furnace there are a lot of factors to consider. Before seeking out professionals, like our trained technicians at Big Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning, you might want to first ask yourself whether you’re looking to get your furnace repaired or whether you might want a total furnace replacement. 

Repairing Vs. Replacing Your Furnace

How Well is Your System Functioning?

One factor to consider when trying to determine if you need a furnace replacement or just a repair is how much or how well your system is functioning. If your furnace is still functioning and just isn’t heating your home consistently or well you might only need furnace repair services. 

On the other hand, if your furnace isn’t functioning at all and you suddenly find your home freezing, you’ll probably need a new furnace and should consult a professional for a replacement as soon as possible.

How Old is Your System?

Another factor to consider when determining if you should repair or replace your furnace is your system’s age. In general, even with regular professional maintenance, a furnace’s efficiency declines each year. A furnace that hasn’t been well-maintained will also decrease in efficiency even faster. 

On top of a steadily declining efficiency, the average lifespan of a furnace is only 15 years. So, if your furnace is over 10 years old and you haven’t kept up with regular maintenance it might be time for a replacement. Taking the replacement route for an older system can also save you money in the long run!

Still Not Sure if You Should Replace or Repair?

If you’ve thought about and considered your system’s level of functioning, efficiency and age and still aren’t sure whether you should pursue furnace replacement or repair, you should seek out the help of a professional. Our technicians can inspect your furnace and advise you on whether you should choose a furnace repair option or buy a new furnace altogether.

Signs That Your Furnace Needs To Be Repaired or Maintained

While it might be unclear whether you should get your furnace replaced or repaired, the following signs indicate that there is definitely an issue with your furnace:

  • Your system is difficult to start.
  • Inadequate heat/diminished heating capacity around your home.
  • Air isn’t flowing properly from your system’s registers.
  • Water around your furnace/visible leaks.
  • Strange or new noises are coming from your furnace.
  • Abnormal or foul odors are coming from your furnace.
  • Your system’s pilot light is discolored. 

If you notice any of the above signs, you should seek out professional help before these issues develop into bigger, more expensive and inconvenient problems. 

Preventing Furnace/Heating System Failure

Homeowners can be proactive and prevent furnace issues before they occur by scheduling regular furnace maintenance and seasonal tune-ups. We offer a variety of maintenance options at Big Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning and our team aims to prioritize the comfort of our customers.  

Contact Us

If you’re having issues with the furnace repair vs. furnace replacement debate and aren’t sure what steps to take next, call us at Big Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning to speak with one of our professional technicians. We offer seasonal furnace maintenance, service packages and service you can trust in the Sacramento area. You can also visit our website to explore and request our various services.  

The team at Big Mountain Air wants you as a customer for life! Call us today and come home to comfort.