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Blogs from March, 2021


We know how frustrating it can be when your AC system just isn’t working the way it’s supposed to – especially when you’re really counting on that cold air! There are many things that can go wrong with your AC unit, but the hard thing to tell is when to call for professional help. The key to solving your AC issue is knowing what level of AC repair you’re capable of.

Big Mountain Air & Heating wants all our customers to know the easy fixes to their AC systems to save them time and inconvenience. We also want you to know when it’s important to call a licensed technician to help you out.

Low Difficulty AC Repairs

There are a couple of problems that crop up often that can usually be resolved by you taking a look at your unit and trying some simple fixes. 

AC Won’t Turn On

Problems with your AC power usually point to thermostat or electrical mistakes. Double-check your thermostat function by checking for batteries that need to be changed and the settings. Make sure that cooling mode is on and not on AUTO. 

If your thermostat is working fine, but the AC still won’t power up then locate the circuit breaker. Make sure power is turned on for the AC and not circuits are tripped.

AC Not Blowing Cold

The number one reason for an AC system blowing warm air is a clogged air filter. When the air filters become coated with dust and air contaminants it puts strain on the AC system. This can cause warm air to come from the unit instead of cold. 

Find the air filters and clean or change them out. The cleared pathway usually lessens the strain on the unit and allows cold air to flow again.

Medium Difficulty AC Repairs

If you have some experience with tools, DIY home projects or HVAC systems you can try to resolve some of these problems yourself. If at any time you are unsure of what you’re doing or uncomfortable with the steps, please call our team at Big Mountain. We’ll take your stress away in no time.

AC Leaking Water

If you notice a puddle of water around your AC unit that is not being caused by condensation then you likely have an AC leak. You can check the drainage line for a clogged tube that is backing up the water or the condensate pan that’s supposed to collect condensation. The coolant levels could also be low or the air filters need cleaning. 

AC Sensor Malfunction

There is a sensor inside the AC unit that measures the temperature near the evaporator coil and adjusts the cooling. If the sensor is pushed out of place it could cause constant cycling or uneven cooling. Locate the sensor near the evaporator coil and make sure they are not touching each other by bending the wire slightly away. 

Frozen AC Evaporator Coil

Insufficient airflow and moisture can cause the evaporator coil to freeze. This can cause total system failure if not addressed. If you see ice buildup on the coil, shut down your system until it thaws completely. You can carefully use a hairdryer to speed up the thawing process. 

High Difficulty AC Repairs

These AC repairs should only be performed by a licensed HVAC technician. Though you may feel capable of recognizing these problems, both have the potential to involve refrigerant. Handling refrigerant can be very dangerous if you are not certified with experience.

AC Making Noises

Any abnormal banging, clanking, rattling, or hissing should be reported to an HVAC technician quickly. Broken parts can wreak havoc on the inside of your unit and hissing noises are commonly due to refrigerant leaks. 

Refrigerant Leak

Leaking refrigerant is very dangerous when left unaddressed and points to a significant crack or hole within your unit. A professional will be able to safely contain the leak and repair it without risking their health.

Need An AC Repair? 

From preventative AC maintenance to emergency repairs, Big Mountain Heating & Air has you covered. Our experienced team can handle anything your HVAC throws at us. Trust our team to get the job done right, and give us a call!
