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Blogs from June, 2020


It’s easy for your air conditioner to feel like something that doesn’t need much attention – unless it stops working. However, getting an HVAC tune-up ensures that the system is in working order before you need it to survive the summer months.
We’re not saying you should get an AC tune-up each month, but having a professional inspect the system a couple of times a year can make a big difference. Here is everything you need to know about when and why you should get an AC tune-up.

When to Get an HVAC Tune-Up?

The best times for an HVAC tune-up are twice a year, one before summer and one before winter. In the late spring, having a professional inspect the system before it gets too hot will prevent you from having to wait on a big AC repair in the heat of summer.
You should also get a furnace tune-up before winter for this same reason. If anything needs fixing, you won’t be caught during a cold snap without a working heater in your home.
At Big Mountain Heating and Air, we offer a seasonal tune-up for only $99. Our experienced tune-up specialists check and test every aspect of your HVAC system to make sure it is ready to use when you need it. If we discover a larger problem during the tune-up, our specialists can provide solutions and schedule you for repair.

Why Get an HVAC Tune-Up?

Telling you to get an AC tune-up wouldn’t be worth much if we didn’t back up our claim with sound reasoning. Tune-ups can save you a lot of money and extend the life of your AC.
If something is wrong with your HVAC system and it doesn’t get fixed during a tune-up, running your system with a problem could cause even more damage and cost you more money in the long run. Catching problems during a tune-up can also help your system last longer because it doesn’t run as long with undiscovered issues – and tune-ups also ensure your HVAC system is running at peak efficiency.

Contact Us Today for Your Seasonal Tune-Up!

Big Mountain Heating and Air recognizes the importance of having a working AC and furnace during the summer and winter months, which is why our AC tune-up costs are so affordable. To schedule a tune-up appointment, contact us today!