Blogs from January, 2020


With winter right around the corner, we have a whole new group of allergens to worry about. Here are the three main allergens to be aware of this winter and how to protect yourself from them.

Dust Mites

While dust mites can’t sting or bite you, they can cause a decent amount of irritation if they find their way into your home. Dust mites prefer to burrow in the carpets and couches of your home, feeding off of the dead skin you unknowingly leave behind. Their droppings and shedded skin end up floating around in the air and are what cause you to sneeze and cough. Washing your bed sheets and upholstery in hot water often can eliminate dust mite buildup.

Animal Dander

Because your pets are indoors much more often due to the cold weather, the animal dander buildup will be much greater in the winter. This significant increase of dander in the air will certainly cause you to have a runny nose, watery eyes and sneeze more often. Be sure to change out your AC filter accordingly and steam clean your carpets often to prevent serious irritation.


Mold thrives in damp environments – both indoors and outdoors. The most common places you will experience mold are in your bathrooms and kitchen. You can’t see this kind of mold – it is invisible and floats around in the air. Excessive exposure to mold can also cause asthma symptoms to worsen. The best ways to treat your mold allergies are with nasal decongestants, antihistamines and inhalers, if needed.
If you’re looking to improve your indoor air quality but don’t know where to start, contact us at Big Mountain Air! Our highly trained professionals can help you breathe better as soon as possible. Schedule an appointment today.
