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Blogs from April, 2020


Experiencing some problems with your AC? It could be time to have an air duct repair. There are many different things that can happen to your ducts, like air duct leaks. Big Mountain Air is here for anything you need, even if it is for a simple air duct cleaning. Here are a few common air duct problems to keep an eye out for.

Poorly Sealed Registers and Grills

Registers that are not sealed correctly can cause a lot of problems. If the duct isn’t fully closed, air can be distributed into areas that it’s not intended to go. This could cause your unit to work overtime to make up for the swing in temperatures, and it can put a lot of wear on your AC unit, decreasing its lifespan. This problem can also cause you to pay a lot more money in electric bills because the unit is pushing more air than it needs to. Since the duct is open, pests are more likely to go inside, causing even more damage.

Dirty Air Ducts

Something as simple as dirty air ducts can cause big problems. The conditioned air may not be a strong flow from the vents because the dust, germs and contaminants are clogging the pathway. Besides obstructing the heated and cooled air from reaching you, this situation could also irritate your allergies. Having your ducts regularly checked and cleaned can help keep the air you breathe clean of dirt and germs – and keep your unit from overworking.

Leaking Ductwork

Depending on the design, your AC system may already be set up for failure before you ever turn it on. Improper designs can affect heating, cooling and your wallet. Having air travel from one point to another in the shortest distance with the least number of obstacles is best. Sharp turns can restrict the airflow while also straining your AC and heating. Improper duct size can also increase your energy consumption. Both of these faults in design can cause your system to overwork and take a chunk out of your wallet.
No matter what air duct problems you have, we can help! Contact Big Mountain Air today!
