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Blogs from October, 2016


You want your home to be as energy-efficient as possible, and even though you turn the lights off when you’re not using them, you know there are more things you can do to save energy. But how do you find out about those things so you can make changes? You’re in luck, because that’s exactly what an energy audit from Big Mountain Air is for! At Big Mountain Air Conditioning and Heating, we offer the best energy audit services the Sacramento areas has to offer.

What is an energy audit?

An energy audit is a detailed examination of the home used to determine a number of things. This includes finding where energy is being lost in the home and inspecting each home appliance and system to ensure that they’re running efficiently. Once everything in your home that could affect energy efficiency has been inspected, the energy audit recommends cost-effective measures you can take to make the home more comfortable, energy-efficient and affordable.

Home Energy Audits From Big Mountain Air

Our home energy auditors assess the energy performance of customers’ homes by going through the houses and looking things over in great detail.  When you get an energy audit from us, you can expect the technician to:

  • Look at the doors, windows, ducts and insulation and note their ages and performance levels.
  • Go over the heating and cooling equipment as well as the ventilation systems and look at their characteristics and ages.
  • Examine appliances and lighting
  • Ask you about your level of comfort and if you have any complaints.
  • Take note of any visible safety or health issues along the way.

All of these inspections, questions and more give the technician the necessary information to make recommendations for the home. Your technician may recommend new windows, sealing leaks, switching to LED lights and many more tips for saving energy in your home.

If you are interested in having an energy audit or you need an installation service performed, contact Big Mountain Heating & Air Conditioning today. You can request an estimate, set up an energy audit and ask any questions you have about the process.